Het luna park was gaaf, en omdat de meiden eindeloos in alle attracties mochten, deden ze dat ook. Hiep hiep hoeraaaaaa!!!!
One of the most fun attractions; dropping down. When we have our own house, the girls want this in the garden....
En; iedereen hartstikke bedankt voor de emails, Diuwke vond het fantastisch al die aandacht!
Today Diuwke is exactly 7 years and one day (at least, according to Australian time...), and we celebrate!!! We hung up party streamers and balloons in the house, and we got cakes and we have a plan. Because there are no friends yet, we go to Lunapark. But first we look at a school. (that still has to happen)
Luna park was fantastic (for the kids), and because they could go endlessly in all the attractions, they did (jippy)

Lovely, eh? Well... My head got chopped off three times, but, luckily, I got another head as well...
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